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Annuity Investments
Individuals, Employers, and Institutions
Fixed Annuity | Indexed Annuity | Long Term Care
Types of Annuities
An Annuity – is a contract issued by insurance companies, providing income over a specified number of years, or over a entire lifetime.
Fixed Annuity – guarantee a specific rate of return, and you will know in advance just how much your Annuity will grow by a fixed interest rate and how much it should pay.
Indexed Annuity – Generally, promises to provide returns based on the performance of an index, with two phases, the accumulation phase, and the pay or distribution phase.
Variable Annuity – are vested in a variety of sub-accounts that grows on a tax-deferred basis and offers a significantly higher payout potential, when compared to a Fixed Annuity.
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A Fixed Annuity – is an insurance investment that guarantees your return-on-investment.
Qualified Annuities – are bought with pre-tax dollars as part of a retirement plan, like an IRA.
Non-qualified Annuity – is bought with after-tax dollars rather than pre-tax ‘qualified’ funds.
Immediate Annuity – refers to lump-sum deposits that starts distributing funds immediately.
Deferred Annuity – allows an asset to grow and pays taxes on the capital gains at a later date.

A Qualified Annuity – is bought with pre-tax dollars as part of a personal retirement plan like a 401k or an IRA.
A Non Qualifying Annuity – is bought with after-tax dollars rather than as part of a qualified retirement plan.

Fixed Annuity

An Annuity – is considered a long-term financial vehicle. You may elect a payout option that guarantees you a certain amount for life, where you & your spouse cannot out-live the payments, even after the original deposit has been exhausted.
Indexed Annuity

An Indexed Annuity – Generally
promises to provide returns
based on the performance
of an index, and has two phases,
the accumulation phase, and
the distribution phase.
Annuity Options
Purchasing an Annuity – is a solid financial investment for certain situations, and there’s things you should know before going all-in… like how the withdrawls work, or the mandatory distributions (at a certain age), how the death benefit is paid, the Contract Value vs the Surrender Value, and the taxes and tax penalties.
Our Team – is committed to helping you understand how these investments work, before you purchase it, although we cannot offer you legal or tax advice, we can ensure you understand your options, such as: a short-term or long-term investment, or a lump-sum deposit like 401k/ IRA roll-over, or setting-up your account with (pre-tax) contributions per paycheck, very similar to a group-plan retirement contribution.

Double T investments – tailor strategies to meet certain goals, however we cannot offer legal nor tax advice. You must seek an attorney or tax-consultant for those services.
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