Health Plans
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Medicare Plans | Health Plans | Prescriptions | Hospitalization | Critical illness
Medicare Open Enrollment: Jan – Mar. 31st… (Advantage Plans only)
- HMO, PPO and PFFS Plans
- Special Needs: (D-SNP), (C-SNP)
- Institutional Medicare (I-SNP)
- Prescription Drug Plans
2024 Medicare Changes: the standard monthly cost of Medicare Part B which covers doctors’ services, outpatient care, medical supplies, and preventive services, will increase $9.80, from 164.90 in 2023 to $174.70.
The annual deductible for Medicare Part B will rise $14 to $240 for 2024, and the Medicare Part A deductible goes up $32 to $1,632….

Quick Links
Medicare Part A
Part A – covers inpatient hospital care, skilled nursing and hospice care.
Medicare Part B
Part B – covers physicians services, outpatient, labs and has a premium.
Medicare Part C
Part A, B, and often times D are combined together – and called Part C.
Medicare Part D
Part D – is for prescription drugs, as a stand-alone plan or included in Part C.
Key Questions
Things to consider, before you sign-up for any Medicare Advantage plan.
Coverage Assessment
Your coverage porfolio begins with an assessment to help identify gaps in coverage.
Medicare Eligibility
Persons over age 65 or under the age 65 with a disability and a legal citizen.
When to Enroll
Initial enrollment, Annual enrollment, Open enrollment and Special enrollments.
Who pays First
Whether a group plan or medicare pays first – depends on the number of employees.
Late Enroll Penalty
Prescription Plan is optional, but there’s a penalty, even if not taking medications.

Supplements Plans Explained
Supplement Plans are designed to help pay some out of pocket expenses like co-pays and deductible.
Summary of How Medicare Works
Original Medicare is basically a 80/20 plan with deductibles, and Supplements helps to pay your 20%.
Medicare Savings Program
Medicare Saving Program. Financial Assistance Program for people covered by Medicare.
Supplement Guarantee issue Period
Supplement Plans are guarantee-issue for the first 6 months, or 63 days of loosing coverage.
Extra Help for Prescription Drugs
You may be eligible for extra help, if your monthly income is under about $1,843. (Couples about $2,485).

Individuals & Families | Employers
If you’re shopping for a Health Plan, and you’re under 65 yrs old, we have professionals that can explain tax-credits that lowers the monthly premium, and will offer you expert plan recommendations at no cost to you.
We can show you Health plans based your zip code and go over the different ‘Benefit Packages’ and how much it cost, like the – premiums, deductibles and co-insurance..
For your convenience, we also offer a self-enrollment-system. So, if you prefer, you can browse plans and self-enroll without assistance at your leisure.
Conference Form
A simple form to gather basic information to create your user-profile and start building your portfolio.
Treatment Tracking
Track your medical treatments and how much it costs, to compare your year over year expenses.
Identity Verification
The system may request an identification verification if there’s missing application information.
Modified Income
Wages, Tips, salary, pension, Social Security, unemployment or net profit from self-employment.
Medicaid Eligibility
Non Citizen immigrant eligibility for Medicaid and/or CHIP Program Qualification Chart.

Hospitalization Plan – helps with your out-of-pocket expenses, by paying You, between $100-$1,500 per day, if you’re admitted, and helps pay for the emergency-room and ambulance.

Cancer Plan
Cancer Plan – helps cover things like screenings and the initial diagnosis of internal cancer, radiation / chemo, immunotherapy, and pays You.. $2,500 – $30,000 lump-sum payment.

Critical Illness
Critical illness Plan – protects you financially from the unexpected costs of having a heart-attack, or a stroke, or parkinsons, alzheimers, or needing to have a major organ transplant.

Medicare Plans

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